DALLAS LOUIS grew up in Austin and now lives in Houston, but she has enough hilarious stories to fill the entire state of Texas.
Dallas is past the early, just-trying-to survive parenting days when she had a newborn and two toddlers all under the same roof (that’s three in diapers for anyone keeping tabs). But her two sons and daughter—now in college—are still as entertaining and accident-prone as ever.
The challenges are different, but absolutely still there. And it is not just her children who provide a seemingly unlimited amount of material, but her extended family as well. For example, her 50-something-year-old parents sold two successful restaurants and listed their home on Craigslist on a whim because they wanted to go to trucking school and learn to drive big rigs. Who does something like that?
Once a Field Leader for MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International, Dallas now gives talks to women’s groups, encouraging them in their faith and strengthening their ministries.
She routinely wakes before dawn to take advantage of the early morning stillness and admits that’s when her inspiration strikes best.
I grew up in Austin, then moved to Houston, and, yes, my name is Dallas (feel free to insert your own joke here ______ ). I was a nail tech for about 10 years before I met my Prince Charming (Jeff). I wanted to be a teacher when I was young. Looking back now, I’m glad I deviated from that path.
I was the Women’s Ministry Director of my church for almost seven years (quite a jump from the salon industry, I know). I have authored two books: Girlfriends, Giggles & God, which is a 31-day devotional for women, and Why Some Animals Eat Their Young. I have traveled across the country speaking to mom’s groups and women’s groups about their mothering and their “wife-ing.” Am I an expert? Probably not. Do I have experience? Yes, in spades.
On May 16, 2015, I graduated from Houston Baptist University with a degree in Christianity, 18 years to the day after I started my college education.
I am married to a really swell guy. Yes, I just used the word “swell.” No, I’m not stuck in the 1950s, although some days I would like to be. Jeff and I met more than 20 years ago outside of a bar, here in Houston. It really can happen that way! We dated for about six months before he popped the question, and 45 days later, we were married at sunset on the island of Maui. It was awesome.
We have three amazing kiddos: Ethan (20), Emma (19), and Elliott (18). For a while we didn’t exactly know what was causing the pregnancy epidemic, but eventually we figured it out. For the record, I never wanted to be that kind of mom who named all of her kids with the same first letter, but all I can say about that is NEVER SAY NEVER. It will bite you every time.
Ethan is a carbon copy of my husband. Smart and methodical. When he was younger, he wanted to be an admiral in the navy so he could draw up the battle plans for the fighter jets. He has since decided that nuclear engineering is where it’s at and is a second-semester sophomore at Texas A&M University.
Emma is all girl, all the time! Beautiful, kind, and compassionate, she can push her brothers’ buttons without blinking an eye. She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. She is an extremely talented artist, able to draw or paint anything. She loves music of all types, and she loves to dance.
Then we have Elliott, the one who can’t stay out of trouble or the ER. Every family has ONE. Elliott will jump, climb, or dive off or over anything near him just to prove that he can. He’s also super smart. He will probably graduate from high school at least one semester early, and then he, too, will join his big brother and sister at Texas A&M. Elliott loves school. And he LOVES his momma.