I Fight Bad Guys

in Giggles on December 7, 2020

Years ago, when my kids were younger…much–much–younger…nighttime battles between the forces of Good and Evil were a commonplace occurrence.

I bet that’s a commonplace occurrence in most homes where Littles live.

Over the years, I have fought the elusive Boogey Man, monsters that hide out in closets and those that live under beds. I have hunted down shadow figures that lurk in bedroom corners, and can only be killed by magical Light forces, that only Mom can wield.

I’ve battled nightmares in the form of giant 6-foot-tall rats (thanks to a book) that lasted for days, well, nights on end.

I’ve even fought demons no one could see, as Night Terrors plagued my daughter.

I slayed them all.

As my children grew older, their need of my nocturnal protection detail faded. I no longer woke to a child standing inches from my face, silently staring and willing me to awaken from a dead sleep. I actually began to sleep through the night.

As it turns out, sleeping through the night was only prepping me for some of my daytime battles. While, my children seem to have their nocturnal enemies conquered, they still needed their mother in other ways.

That’s good to know.

Many of you are very familiar with my writing, and by extension, my parenting style. I’m fairly Old School. In most cases, I believe that children should be seen and not heard. I believe that sparing the rod, spoils the child. And above all else, in this house…the kids are NOT at the top of this Food Chain.

With all of that being said, when someone, an adult–an admin–a teacher, takes a particular interest in belittling, berating, or bullying one of my children just for the sake of doing so….OR because they enjoy that type of power, yes, I will step into the ring. And yes, I will level the playing field considerably.

On more than one occasion, I marched a kid or two into the office and turned them in for something. I will be the first one to rat out my kid for skipping out on an assignment, or call the Wham-bulance when they don’t like a grade they earned; however, I have been known to call out just as deplorable behavior on the part of the teachers.

And, because of this willingness to do battle, I myself have acquired quite the reputation that’s right up there with the Boogey Man and many of the other nightmares that folks face in the dark shadows of the night.

Now, before I get emails, phone calls, text messages or comments–this isn’t directed at anyone…today. {wink} This was actually sparked by one of my dogs…yes…one of my dogs.

While my children are almost grown and flown, my dogs are not. That’s one of the best things about dogs. We currently have three fur-babies. Two really BIG dogs, and one mini. Faith is our miniature Dachshund. She is eleven and a half years old. I’ve learned through the years that she likes her space. She’s a strong and independent woman.

But, sometimes….she needs a little help…at night.

Everybody knows that’s when the Boogey Man comes out. I truly believe this dog has bad dreams. And, Faith, just like the kids used to do, will come to my side of the bed, and wake me up.

Not Daddy.


She uses the little stairs at the foot of the bed, walks UP the length of my body, and sticks her nose on mine…until I wake up. Then, she’ll nudge the covers until I move over, and let her in. She settles right down, and goes to sleep.


Because I fight bad guys.

It’s my job.

I’m the Mom.

The only difference between Faith and the kids—Faith gets to sleep with me. The kids never did. Eh, sue me.

Here’s to fighting ALL the bad guys!!

Have a great week!

One thought on “I Fight Bad Guys

  • Thanks Dallas for being a great mom! I always say, “Dogs are like kids who never grow up”. But dogs also give us their unconditional love!

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