Livin on a Prayer

in Giggles,Thoughtful Thursdays on June 11, 2024

Who do you talk to every single day?

That question was posed to the congregation at large this past Sunday from our Senior Pastor.

My knee-jerk reaction was fairly simple and straightforward. I talk to my husband every day. That was the most obvious answer. Of course Jeff is first on my list. I mean, that’s the way it’s supposed to be, right? We’re married. It’s kind of important to keep those communication lines open.

Taking a passing glance around the sanctuary, I realized that was the answer for most of the folks in attendance. We all patted ourselves on the back for our stellar conversational skills.

Then he asked us: “Who is in your Top Five?”

I had to think about that one for a minute. I don’t really talk to any one person every single day, except for my husband. Not my best friend. Not my parents. Not my sisters. I don’t even to talk to my children every day…including Emma…and she just moved back in with us!

Then, in true Pastor form, he hit us with, “How many of you had GOD in your Top Five?”


I am a Christian. I would even go so far as to say that I am a strong Christian. I am a Bible teacher. I co-host a Bible-based podcast with my pastor every week. How could I not have listed my God into my Top Five people that I talk to every single day?!

I have to say, that was a pretty spectacularly epic fail on my part.

Needless to say, that got me thinking.

First of all, God has patience in abundance. He is patient with me in my laziness, forgetfulness and abject stupidity. Secondly, God forgives. He forgives my laziness, forgetfulness and abject stupidity. Third, our God has an amazing, but somewhat selective memory.

Let me explain.

Because Jesus paid the price for all of my sins and shortcomings, God the Father no longer remembers those and holds them against me. What He does remember, are those who are faithful to Him…who have been faithful through the generations…those who prayed in faith for things yet to come—even if they never lived to see them happen, yet believing full that they would, indeed, come.

THAT is where I found myself wandering around after Pastor Lee’s Sunday sermon.

I’m living on a prayer…

…just not always my prayer.

I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am reaping the blessings that my grandparents asked God to give to their family. My grandparents prayed holes in the floor of heaven over me and my cousins. I didn’t understand it when I was young. In fact, I thought their way of thinking was antiquated and boring. How thankful I am to have been so completely wrong!

God has told us from the beginning that generations will be blessed because of the faithfulness of a few. He promised that to Abraham, and to Moses and has kept that promise all the way to the end of time.

When Jeff and I were building our forever home, it was important for us to bless the house…from foundation to final decor.

We wanted God’s protection over this house and all who enter in. I know our need to feel God’s presence here in our home was largely because of the patterns and behaviors modeled to us by our grandparents.

“And if you faithfully obey the voice of the LORD your God, being careful to do all his commandments…all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you…blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field…the LORD will establish you as a holy people to himself…and the LORD will make you abound in prosperity…” Deuteronomy 28: 1-3, 9 & 11

I wish I could say in the days since my pastor’s super convicting sermon that my prayer life has increased tenfold…but…I’d be lying. I am more aware of the fact that I’m slacking though! I guess that’s a start. I do pray deliberately over my children. They’ve watched me serve and grow and teach the Bible. They, themselves, are learning how to walk in that path…and all of these things are possible because we have a God who loves us, and is faithful to the many because of the faith of a few.

It’s not too late to open that communication line with God. He’s there. Ready and eager to visit with you. Have a great week!

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