Lost Time
in Giggles on December 27, 2019

Welcome to the Land of Lost Time….aka the week between Christmas and New Year’s. The Land where no one knows what time it is, let alone what day of the week it is. This year it is especially difficult because Christmas Day was actually on a WEDNESDAY…thus plunging everyone into absolute chaos for their Holiday Hangover.
We are all left wandering around, dazed and utterly confused, asking total strangers, “Excuse me, sir, do you know what day this is?”
Every day feels like a Saturday…I woke up this morning and tried to get ready for church. After all, yesterday was my third Saturday of the week, it’s about time to head back to church, right?
My children are aimlessly drifting in and out of the house, just looking for something to do; even my always-on-the-go husband, has been more laid back. In the days that follow Christmas, time seems to not only stop…it simply does not exist.
In most of our lives today, we are all busy…I mean busy to the point of exhaustion…and the kind of exhaustion that would/could (and probably should) warrant a trip to a Malibu spa.
How bad is slowing down? Maybe falling into this time vacuum isn’t such a bad thing. Maybe this black hole of nothingness is by a grander design.
Ok, so what if your house (and mine) looks like its been taken over by drunk-crack-scoring-elves-out-on-a-three-day-pass from Santa’s workshop? It’s fine. Everything’s fine. This is what we’ve worked toward all year. This is the finish line.
The kids have looked forward to this week for the last fifty-one weeks. Let them enjoy it with ALL of their senses. YOU have worked hard for this week. You kept them alive. Congrats! Parents with little ones, THAT is no easy task. Parents of teens, THAT is an even harder task (some days). Enjoy this week of timeless memories. Ignore the wrapping paper sticking out from under the couch…it’ll still be there next week. Toss the boxes in the garage, break those down next week. Watch movies with your kids. Stare at the lights on your Christmas tree for one more week.
Clean-up can wait.
Absorb the magic for a few more days.
Real life is coming soon enough. Time will start back up again, and we will be powerless to stop it, but for now, for this week, whatever day this is, just sit and be still. Let the magic and peace of Christmas surround you and strengthen you as you prepare for the new year.
They say time waits for no one, but in this week, we’ve been given a reprieve. Enjoy your time off.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!