Mad Respect
in Giggles on May 5, 2020
Mother’s Day is this weekend.
Dads…male significant others…feel free to hit the panic button now, as the realization that children everywhere will NOT be bringing home delightfully handmade gifts from school on Friday…as schools across the globe now reside from kitchen tables and coffee tables alike.
Stores have limited access.
Amazon cannot deliver by Sunday.
Hobby Lobby hasn’t reopened yet.
Children, spouses, significant others, pets, plants, walls and even ourselves are standing on the the last frayed nerve that mothers possess.
God help us all.
So, why the picture of my husband in the fedora?
File this under, “Things That Make You Go Hmmmm.”
We live in Texas…thankfully our state is opening back up. We had a small and LEGAL get together the other day. As the evening wore on…my sweet husband decided his ensemble needed a fedora. Nothing screams hot-tub fashion quite like a fedora. As he was walking across the patio, with his swim trunks and Old Fashion…he dons our son’s fedora like a ‘20’s mobster and saunters back to the hot tub.
The only accessory he was missing was a Cuban cigar.
One of the high school kids looks us (moms) dead in the face, throws an awe-filled glance over his shoulder at Jeff and mutters, “Mad respect.”
Mad Respect?
Are you kidding me, right now?!
Who has the nerve to look at a group of MOMS, in the FACE, and mutter MAD RESPECT that was NOT directed at them?? Oh wait—a kid…a BOY kid…a HIGH SCHOOL boy kid…who wants to be on dish detail until the end of time.
Here’s a little help for all of the boy kids—both big and little:
Mad Respect is reserved for moms. We have sacrificed our bodies, minds and souls to bring you into this world. Did I mention, we sacrificed our bodies?? Literally. Our organs REARRANGED themselves for you.
Mad Respect.
It took nine months to shove our organs around…TWO YEARS for them to return to their normal starting position.
We were your grocery store. We absolutely sustained your life from conception through your first year…or two (if you were a breastfed baby).
Mad Respect.
We fought monsters. Every nightmare and bad dream…every creature under the bed and boogeyman hiding in the closet was no match for the Mom on a Mission to protect her baby…Not to mention all the newborns who had their days and nights confused. And little tummies that needed to eat every 2-3 hours. Every new mom loses roughly 715 HOURS of sleep within the first year of her baby’s life.
Mad Respect.
Now, I’m super excited about the role that Daddies play. They are fun and they are cool. They are strong and did I mention they are fun? But, as we move into Mother’s Day weekend, I want to give a little Mad Respect to my fellow Mamas out there. We’ve been on lockdown with the people we love most in the entire world, and I know that for some of us…we’re about to lock ourselves in the attic or basement or bathroom or trunk of the neighbor’s car. Hang in there, Mama. You’re doing great! I see you. I’ve got one thing to say to you,
“Mad Respect!”