Monday Morning Status Update
in Giggles,Must Be Nice on May 9, 2022
Happy Monday and Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all my Mommas out there! I hope yesterday you all got some much-needed rest and were showered with the love, respect, and admiration you deserve!
Things over here in Louis-Land can only be characterized by NUTS.
There have been SO many changes in the last couple of weeks; I thought I’d take a minute to update everyone!
The last weekend of April I had the honor and privilege of flying out to Orlando, FL to attend the ceremony of the IBPA Ben Franklin Awards that my book, Why Some Animals Eat Their Young, was nominated for. I’m thrilled to announce we took home the Silver in the Parenting & Family category!

That very same weekend…we received a GOLD place recognition from the Mom’s Choice Awards!! I am beyond excited about this honor! I have personally bought products solely based on the fact that it was a Mom’s Choice recommendation…to be included in this league of exceptional parenting works is surreal.

We were also notified last week that Animals took the Bronze medal from the Ippy Awards in TWO categories: Humor and Best Cover Design-Non Fiction!!
Little Einsteins has found out about us, too! And listed Why Some Animals Eat Their Young, in their list of top Hilarious parenting resources!
I am utterly speechless over the outpouring of accolades and honors this book is receiving. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of this. If you have read my book, please scoot on over to Amazon and Goodreads and leave me a rating (5-star would be awesome…lol) and/or a review. I’d really appreciate it.
On the home front…it looks like our time of “camping out” in the rent house has just about reached its conclusion! We have a tentative move-in date for the new house! Here’s hoping that Memorial Day Weekend will be filled with boxes and movers!
We’ve been planning and building this house for almost TWO YEARS!! Suffice to say, I am more than ready to be re-homed!
My boys are wrapping up their Spring semesters at college, and preparing to face the summer as pseudo adults. One is heading off to Switzerland for a research trip with the University, then headed nine hours away from me to participate in his first internship…for the whole summer!! And my youngest will fully understand what it’s like to have a full time job! Meanwhile, my daughter is totally killing it in her cosmetology school! She is, by far, the best student in her class…and no, I’m not just saying that because she’s my daughter! She has a gift. I have a background in cosmetology, and I could not be more proud of her!!
And last, but not least, many of you have been asking me how to sign up to receive these posts automatically. Well, the wait is over! My team has been feverishly working to setup our new system. Pop on over to the CONTACT page of my site, and click on SIGN UP! It is quick and easy, AND you get a free download of my pet project, the mini-book, 10 Ways to Become an Unbelievably Happy Mom. So sign up and tell all your friends!
Be patient with me over the new few weeks. Things are only gonna be crazier over here. I will try to post new things, but in the off chance that I stay swamped, please feel free to peruse my site on your own for those days when you just need a giggle.
We’ll talk soon, but until then, have a great day!!
0 thoughts on “Monday Morning Status Update”
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Jean Smith says:
Congratulations! Very proud of you.
dladmin says:
I just love you!!!