My Baby
in Giggles on December 11, 2019
If any of you are looking for Christmas presents for me…I’ll make this super simple for you… I want the Technology Fairy to swoop down and make ALL of my devices play nicely together with virtually no input from me, and definitely no tears…or sweat…or screaming…or cursing…or any other behavior that is unbecoming of a lady, or that is too scary for my Fat Dog.
I’ve been working on this post for a week. Let’s hope it’s good. Actually, I haven’t been working on the words to this post, but this insertion of ONE picture.
That’s it. One picture. And I couldn’t pull it off. Many of you are familiar with my niece. She’s two and a half. This is about the time when Christmas gets SUPER FUN for kids! They start to retain information. They build long-term memory storage, and their little imaginations begin to really kick in and work overtime.
Chummy is no exception. She’s all about pretend and play. Tea parties, babies, and of course, talking to me on whatever object happens to be the cell phone of the minute. Giggle. Well, as we are nearing Christmas, my mother has pulled out her Nativity Scene…her ceramic Nativity Scene, and naturally Chummy is fascinated by the Baby Jesus. She wants to hold the Baby, love the Baby, and just be by the Baby.
Well…there’s a couple of issues with this particular Baby… One: He’s ceramic—Granny’s floors are tile, if He gets dropped; He shatters. Two: My mother has had this set for years—we’re talking y e a r s. She would be really upset to lose the Baby Jesus from her manger scene. And Three: there are just some things Chummy can’t have. Glass Baby Jesuses are one of those things.
Enter my dad, stage left, aka, Papaw.

He gives Chummy the Baby, and she is so delicate, and so loving with Jesus, it melts your heart. She kept calling Him, “My Baby,” over and over. “My Baby.”

Christmas is coming. Santa will stop at many houses; mine included. But, don’t forget about the Baby. He’s there, and He’s yours. Your Baby.
Side note: Two days later Chummy picked up the Baby Jesus and thought He wanted a ride on Santa’s train that Granny has in the living room. Jesus fell off in the tunnel, and is now stuck in the back of Santa’s Village. It has to be taken apart for the rescue. Might I redirect you to point #3? Two-year-olds do not need touch glass Baby Jesuses, Daddy.