Quarantine Fifteen

in Giggles on August 4, 2020


Ok… I gather most of y’all are familiar with the “Freshman Fifteen” ?  Well, I’ve got a new one for you…

The Quarantine Fifteen.


Has anyone else spent the last five months camped out in front of their pantry and/or refrigerator?  Or is it just me?  And to make matters worse, on my end, about two months ago—I broke my left foot.

Broke. My. Damn. Foot.

So, not only were the gyms not open…I couldn’t get to one even if I wanted to.

For the first couple of weeks of my convalescence, I tried to be “active;” in the sense that I was doing more than sitting in my recliner shoving popcorn in my mouth and watching NCIS.  I was still maintaining some sort of a normal lifestyle…that sorta worked until I checked back in with my orthopedic and he informed me that the boot I was sporting was not a tennis shoe, but was in fact, designed to slow me down.  Nice.  He was less than impressed that after nearly four weeks post-injury, my toes still looked like little sausages, and I was wearing a groove in my leg from the boot because I was trying to walk at my normal pace.


I was then “upgraded” to a knee-high boot, reminded that my left foot was attached to a load-bearing beam and was not going to heal without proper rest—I was restricted to the couch.

Enter the Quarantine Fifteen.

The boot is supposed to come off in two days…naturally, I took it off over the weekend…to go to the beach.

I went to the gym this morning…

And now, I’m completely taped up like I’m some super star athlete and disregarding the fact that I am well over forty and unable to follow simple doctor’s orders…all the while walking (limping) like a drunk pirate through the house.

Lessons learned.

Oh well.  Looks like I’ll be on a dry chicken and water diet until Thanksgiving.

Here’s hoping the quarantine was nicer to you.