Rose-Colored Glasses
in Thoughtful Thursdays on January 13, 2022

I am a huge fan of old school Country Music. Hey! What can I say, I’m a Gen Xer, and the eighties provided us with some of the greatest music of all time.
Imagine my delight, when I not only, got to SEE a living legend (John Conlee), but I got to meet him and talk to him.
One of Conlee’s most famous and recognizable songs is Rose Colored Glasses. That song, is by far, my favorite from his catalog. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this particular piece of American love songs, please let me explain the basic premise…
There is a man in love with a woman—as there almost always is in a country song. The woman, is not particularly as attached to the man as he is to her. Even knowing this certainty, the man is still hopelessly in love with her, and praying that eventually he will see beyond his rose colored glasses, and move on to someone who can actually love him back.
Now, before panic sets in…I did not tell y’all this to soften any blows between my husband and myself! We are still totally on track…in fact, when Alexa finds this song in my rotation, Jeff will usually stop what he’s doing, and dance throughout the kitchen with me. So, everyone, relax.
But, the idea behind this song did get me thinking…
How many of us use rose colored glasses to view certain areas of our lives? Think about that for a minute: Rose colored glasses, turn everything pink. And, who could possibly be anything except happy, when the world you see is pink?
I personally, LOVE pink. It’s sorta my color. But, to see the world—all of the world draped in pink, well, that’s a different story. Not everything is supposed to be pink. Sometimes things are purple, or red, or green, or shades much, much darker on the color wheel. What good does it really do us, if we don’t see things for what they are?
In my opinion, it does us no good at all.
Most people like things in their lives to run smoothly and without much fuss. However, that isn’t always the case for many folks. Some people have an awful lot of fuss to deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes the fuss looks like a job, or sibling, or a spouse, or a parent, or even a child. What do you do then? How rosey are your glasses? And can they continually cover the fuss that is following you or worming its way into your life?
No, they cannot.
Sometimes, we need to take off our rose colored glasses, and see the world around us for what it is—A Mess! And, that’s hard…I get it. But what is even harder, is living your life in a constant state of fantasy. Trust me, I know a little something about fantasies. I have people in my life, who I have been looking at for years through my very own set of rose colored glasses. I have seen them shaded in pink, so that I could cling to the hope that one day—one day they will want to see me the way I want to see them. Apparently, pink is NOT their color, because I am no where near as colorful in their eyes, as they were in mine.
That is a hard lesson to learn.
But, as hard as that lesson is, it is one hundred percent necessary. As I’m learning to remove my rose colored glasses, I can now see all of the other colors that surround me, and they are worth it! I no longer need to try and enhance a limited few individuals in my life by wearing my glasses. Because, with my glasses on, EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is shaded…people, situations, and things that are being denied their own beauty.
We’re just getting started in the New Year. Who or what, can you look at with a fresh set of eyes? Take off your rose colored glasses, and truly look around yourself. The view without them is amazing!
0 thoughts on “Rose-Colored Glasses”
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Jeff says:
Great post, babe. Wise words, and… I do like dancing with you!
dladmin says:
Thanks, baby! We’re pretty good together!