in Thoughtful Thursdays on March 12, 2015
Happy Thursday! What do you know about steel-toed-boots? For starters, hard workin’ folks wear steel-toed-boots. Construction workers, oil field rough necks and the like…they’re the ones that have a real need! At the end of the day, there is a distinct possibility that should anything get dropped on their foot; they might go home a toe or two short. But, when a person is wearing this type of boot, they could probably drop a car on their foot, and still have all ten little piggies at the end of the day. A few years ago, a song came out on the radio that talked about having “steel toes and a strong back” naturally, today, that song came to mind. You see, in the song the man singing is applying for a job. He’s in a pretty bad way. He’s basically saying he’ll do whatever he needs to do. He just needs to be given the chance.
Now, over here in this house, we know about tough times. We too, have strong backs, and have been known to accessorize with steel toes. In fact, I would wager that in houses across America (and beyond), the stories are very similar. But what about in the Bible? Think we’ll find any steel-toed-boots in the Bible?
I’ve been thinking a lot about how I was going to phrase this for y’all this week. And I think I’ve figured it out. There is something very close to steel-toed-boots in the New Testament. Interesting, don’t you think? I mean considering that sandals were the preferred foot wear of Biblical times. Let me ask you something…how many people like what they do for a living? And how many people get up every day and go to their job…and do their job because that’s the way food is put on the table? If that is true today, doesn’t it stand to reason that the same may have been true in Biblical times as well? I ask because, I’m thinking of the soldiers (not all, but some) who had the job of nailing Jesus to the cross. Would that be a job you would want to have? Granted the Roman soldiers were known far and wide for their brutality, but human to human, soul to soul…could you have done it? I just love the Bible. Not one word is wasted in the pages of Scripture. Therefore, if a word or a phrase is repeated you must pay close attention to it. In three of the four Gospels we read a confession, an admission, an acknowledgement….call it what you will, from one of the soldiers guarding Jesus on the Cross. Read with me:
“When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, ‘Surely he was the Son of God!'” Matthew 27:54
“And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, heard his cry and saw how he died, he said, ‘Surely this man was the Son of God!'” Mark 15:39
“The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, ‘Surely this was a righteous man.'” Luke 23:47
This centurion was not just a soldier, he was not a private or a mere foot soldier. He was in charge of others. He was not simply one of many—but a leader. He acknowledged Jesus in front of his men. Steel toes and a strong back. This man had both. He did the job that was asked of him, whether it was his hand that held the hammer or the nail or the ropes that stretched Jesus’ arms tight across the wood; he was there. He performed his duties to the best of his abilities. Why?
It was his job.
Did he know what he was doing? No, probably not. They say hind-sight is 20/20. Which means we can see so much more clearly when we look back on the things that we have done. This Roman soldier, put on his steel toes and set his strong back for the day’s work ahead of him that day at Calvary.
So, what about you? What shape are your steel-toed-boots? Are they sleek, shiny and high-heeled? Or, maybe, soft, flat, and brown leathered-loafers? Is your back strong and steady? Or do you feel like one more day will be the one that breaks your back? Today ask God to be with you as you set your back for the task of carrying one more day’s load. And when that load is simply too much to bear, drop it at the foot of the Cross. Let Jesus take it from there. He’s wearing steel-toed-boots, too. I promise you, His back won’t break under the strain and weight of your burdens. Have a blessed weekend!
Grace and Peace,
One thought on “Steel-Toed-Boots”
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Jean Smith says:
Thanks for message. I needed to hear that because my boots have hurting my toes lately and I need to drop my load at the foot of the cross.