The Adventures of Lizzie and Luna, Vol. 1
in Giggles on August 9, 2023
I have mentioned before that I am a dog person. In fact, my new daughter-in-love knows this so well, that she bought me an extra-large coffee mug that I start almost every morning with:

Well, if you’ve been following my crazy life for this past year, then you are well aware of the multitude of changes around here. One of which, being our acquisition of a kitten almost a year ago. If you missed that particular episode, you can read about it here.
To make a long story short, my husband and I became the novice owners of a kitten. To say that I was unprepared for this task is a gross understatement.
Ten months ago, I knew less than nothing about cats. Truth be told, I was actually afraid of them. Any creature that has retractable Wolverine blades attached to all four legs, is going to be a solid NO from me. I didn’t have the slightest idea about what cats like, IF they like anything, or how to play with them—IF, in fact, they can be played with at all.
But, I learned.
The most shocking lesson for me to grasp was how quickly I would fall in love with this miniature m*rder mouser. I became unbelievably attached to Lizzie in a stupidly short amount of time. If I’m being totally transparent (which I don’t know how else to be), I wanted my STRICTLY OUTSIDE cat, to move indoors, even if only at night—Jeff said:
She was just so little, and seemingly fragile; I didn’t want anything that was a bit higher up on the food chain to snag her. I was also concerned that she was lonely.
Jeff assured me that Liz was not lonely. After all, I had my coffee and snuggles with her every morning, and the dogs spent a great deal of time outside with her during the day.
But, still…
I thought she needed a sister.

Our youngest son, Elliott, has been absolutely BEGGING us for a kitten of his own for years. Well, after we adopted Lizzie, Jeff (who still swears he doesn’t like her—so false) caved to his baby boy, and agreed to let him get a kitten. Not just ANY kitten, but a kitten who would live INSIDE his house while he’s at away at college.
I almost choked.
I actually lost a bet on that gig. I knew there was NO WAY in this whole wide world that Jeff would ever agree to an inside cat; even if we weren’t living in that same house.
So, Elliott went down to the local shelter and picked out Luna. How, then, did WE end up with Luna?
That is an excellent question. Ellie was so excited about getting his new baby; it was hard for me to fathom that he would not be able to keep her. But, you see, his girlfriend is more allergic to cats than she realized. As she and Elliott spend a good deal of time together, even the slightest stray strand of Luna “glitter” sent this poor girl into an extreme coughing fit, followed by a lovely whole-body hive attack.
Luna couldn’t stay.
Four weeks ago, she came to our house. I thought myself to be the latest and greatest Cat Whisperer. I had adapted well to Lizzie. We understand each other. She’s really good with the dogs, and in all honesty, she behaves like the dogs. I had no idea that Lizzie’s innate catitude would ratchet up to eleven the moment she caught a whiff of Luna.
My lovable and huggable kitty cat was suddenly making noises that I’d only heard velociraptors make on the Jurassic Park movies. We decided to keep Luna inside my screened in porch for a couple of reasons: 1. That’s what we did with Lizzie. It got her used to us, the house, the dogs, and kept her safe until she was big enough to roam freely outside. And, 2. I wasn’t completely sure how Lizzie would react, and again, I needed to keep Luna safe.
Best idea ever. I took a video of Lizzie stalking her new prey…I mean, baby sister, one morning. Hopefully, this link will open. Caution: One bad word about ten seconds in…
Thankfully, since that video was taken, Lizzie has warmed up considerably. She still growls. She still hisses. She still swats at the baby, but she no longer takes swipes at Luna with her Wolverine claws extended. They actually play together. Whew!
Just as before, London is completely enamored with this new baby kitten. Mrs. Bennett (our Bernedoodle) loves little Luna as well, but her love taps tend to send Luna rolling about three feet. Even Jeff, who SWEARS he doesn’t like these new additions to the family, has grown fond enough to take pictures of the two of them when he thinks no one is looking.

So, stay tuned. I’m sure the Adventures of Lizzie and Luna will be amusing, entertaining and adorable…even if you think you don’t like cats.
One thought on “The Adventures of Lizzie and Luna, Vol. 1”
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Lesli says:
Great read