The Callous

in Must Be Nice on March 14, 2015


Welcome to the MBN (Must Be Nice) page.  My blog is constantly evolving, and I thought it might be nice to have a page that delves into a day in the life of some of the antics of the hubster and myself.  While the kids and the dogs definitely provide me with ample material to write about, Jeff and I can get lost in our world just as easily as the kids do!  However, for this first post, I have something a bit more sappy in mind.

You see, today is my fifteenth wedding anniversary.  Apparently I was a child bride…in my mind I’m still only 29…with plenty of experience.  Fifteen years ago today, I was waking up in a beautiful hotel room on the picturesque island of Maui.  Even through the closed sliding glass door, we could hear the waves crashing onto the shore.  It was something out of a movie.

Jeff and I eloped.

Now, our story was not as exciting as star-crossed lovers whose family did not want them together…ours was more of a logistical nightmare.  We started planning a big wedding, but after looking at everything–and discussing these plans with my mother–we decided that two plane tickets to Maui would be so much less stressful for everyone involved (namely the two of us).  So that’s what we did.  Our marriage started with just the two of us.  And though we have added three kids to the mix, scores of in-laws, one Outlaw (that’s the nickname given to my mother), and multiple pets over the years–at the end of the day, it is still the two of us.

My husband has shown me what love is.  Bless his heart, when he married me, he married a complete Texas hot-mess!  I had enough baggage of my own to travel to Maui without the assistance of the new luggage Jeff bought me.  He has dealt with my fears of abandonment.  My fears of bugs, lizards, and snakes.  (One day I’ll tell y’all about the time I had all of the landscaping ripped out of the backyard because I thought there was a snake back there.)  He has comforted me through the deaths of family members, and the crisis that followed from those deaths.  He took care of me through devastatingly sick pregnancies.  He tells me every day how much he loves me.  But more than telling me, he shows me.  He supports me; emotionally and spiritually.

Those are just a few of the hubster’s good qualities.  But, one of my all-time favorite things about him, are his hands.  He has strong hands.  They are rough, workin’ man hands.  They can fix anything around the house.  They can lift feed bags then turn around and rock a baby to sleep.  But, the best part of his hands is the callous on his left hand under his ring finger.  It is from his wedding ring.  His ring slips just enough on his finger to rub a slight callous.  It is super sexy.  He has worn that ring for fifteen years.  Jeff and I were created for each other.  Trust me when I tell you: No one else on the planet could have put up with me for fifteen years!  We are a perfect match.  We fit in every way…

I have a matching callous under my wedding ring, too.


Here’s hoping you find your match today!


0 thoughts on “The Callous

  • What a beautiful post! What a refreshing relief to know God has blessed you with Jeff! A man who loves you through thick and thin, until death do us part. 🙂 And there’s so many years ahead with more wonderful stories and more growth!


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