The Dragon King
in Giggles on December 30, 2022
How was your Christmas?
Did relatives descend en masse to your house? Or perhaps, you were the descending relatives!
Did the Man with the Bag make a stop at your house?
Have you had your fill of Christmas music, cookies, movies, and TV specials?
Were cherished holiday traditions upheld? Were new ones made?
In all of the hustle and the bustle, did you take a moment to visit the Babe, lying in the manger?
In my house, like many others, the past several weeks have been BUSY. I’ve spent more time at the grocery store than with my actual family! The checkers know me by name, how many people I’m feeding, and that there is always room for one more—should they find themselves without a home-cooked meal on any given holiday.
This Christmas Eve, my entire family went to church together. I cannot remember the last time that happened. We took up two and a half rows in the Sanctuary! My oldest is getting married soon, and we were blessed to have his new family sit with us as well.
Our service was beautiful…as it is every year. For about an hour, our hearts and minds take a field trip from the modern-day world that buzzes with technology and screens in every corner, to a place far, far away. A place much quieter…and this year, a place much darker.
I must admit that I was unprepared for my Pastor’s sermon being so heavy-handed with the darkness that has infiltrated our world. Christmas Eve services are usually merry and bright. This year…not so much.
We were reminded that Christmas is more than a brightly lit tree, glittering packages, an abundance of food…the birth of the Christ reminds us with crystal clear certainty that we, as a people, had been walking in total, utter, and complete darkness. The birth of the Christ pierced that darkness with absolute precision, and obliterated it.
I collect Nativity Scenes. I have close to fifty. Out of all of my Christmas decorations, my Nativities are my most precious. Some of my scenes are simply the Holy Family; while others have shepherds, Wise Men, goats and sheep. However, as I look over each one, there is something missing from them all…
A dragon.
Yes. I said dragon.
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke are the only books to give a birth account of Jesus. Each narrative is exceptionally detailed in its own way, and pays particular attention to unique elements. Even with meticulous diligence to ancestry and visitors, neither one of these narratives mentions a dragon.
To learn about the dragon in the first Nativity, we need to jump from the beginning of the New Testament, and skip ahead to the very end of the Book. Read with me…
“A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman…was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then…an enormous red dragon…stood in front of the woman…so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.” Revelation 12:1-4

I’ll bet dollars to donuts that particular tidbit wasn’t taught in Sunday School!
Christmas is more than gifts…more than merriment…more than family…more even than church.
Christmas marks the end of the great darkness, and catapults humanity into the Light, and also into the most epic battle of all time: The Battle between Heaven and Hell.
You see, before Bethlehem, we were all hopelessly lost and wandering around in a darkness so heavy—so oppressive—that it left physical marks on our souls. But, in the fullness of time…at just the right time…God stepped down from Heaven to light our path. He went to war with Satan for you…for me…
The dragon was not able to devour the Baby in the manger. He wrecked as much havoc as he could, for as long as he could, but did not succeed. Then, when that Baby was thirty-three years old, he made his move again.
Using some of his best tools (whispers, rumors, threats and lies), Satan watched joyfully as Jesus hung on a cross. As this dragon swallowed the Light of the World, he thought he had won…the Savior was gone. He was finished. The Messiah had lost…
Rather than enjoying a victory lap, Satan choked on his own failure. Truth, when mixed in the belly of lies, will always win.
The belly of the dragon could not hold Jesus.
The hands of death could not hold Jesus.
The grave could not hold Jesus.
The War is won…even though there will still be battles to face…the victory is ours.
So, as you reflect back on these past couple of weeks, think about which Jesus you need. Sometimes we need the Baby in the manger; and sometimes (like in my corner of the world) we need the WHOLE CROSS JESUS. We are about to say goodbye to 2022. For some people that’s exciting and wonderful…for others…not so much. Might I encourage you to remember this one thing: No matter what this new year brings, one thing is certain…
Jesus is the Dragon King, so let the enemy and the accuser throw darts, grenades and the kitchen sink at you. King Jesus will fight for you.
Happy New Year!!