The Mercy Seat
in Giggles on September 2, 2021
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a real Thoughtful Thursday. I’m not going to lie, today, this post is for me. I need to write down, yell out, and just vent.
Today, I need an appointment at the Father’s Mercy Seat.
For the past forty-eight days, me and some of my closest friends have been praying for the complete and total healing of a precious newborn. He was born with a very rare genetic mutation. For weeks, we prayed God would reach down from Heaven and heal this child. We begged. We pleaded. We bargained.
Can you imagine? Bargaining with God Almighty??
It sounds ludicrous to actually type that out…but that’s what we did. We circled the wagons, so to speak, around this young family, and begged God for a miracle. The answer we received, was not the answer we wanted.
Or was it?
In the Old Testament, God instructed Moses to teach the people of Israel how to live and most importantly, how to worship. One such task was the building of the Ark of the Covenant…the Mercy Seat…the place where God Himself, met with His people.
That’s what I need right now: To meet with my God.
I have questions.
The most obvious question is why? Why take a baby from his mother? How is that “good” for anyone? What lesson are we supposed to learn from this seemingly most unjust action?
The Mercy Seat of the Old Testament was pure gold. Pure. Something we, as humans, are not…not even at birth. But, God is. He is pure. He is loving. He is merciful. And He has passed all of those qualities, or character traits, on to us through His Son, Jesus.
We don’t live in Old Testament times any longer. We live under a new covenant, one that goes with us wherever we go…we live under the shadow and protection of the Cross.
What does that actually mean for us?
In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he explains it thusly: “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation [mercy seat] by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.” Romans 3:24-26 This means that we are saved. We no longer have to hold to the sacrificial system of the Old Testament to try and make ourselves clean. Jesus paid that price on the Cross. He is now our Mercy Seat.
We can take all of our troubles to Jesus. And that sounds great–in theory.
But, what about days like today? Where is the mercy?
Well, as I’ve had almost 24-hours to process the inevitable outcome of this child’s short life here on earth, I have come to the conclusion that in his passing from the pain, trauma and illness of this world into and by the arms of Jesus; God has fulfilled His promises and shown this baby mercy.
For his parents, grandparents, and the rest of their extended family, it will take some time to sift through the grief in order to see that all of our prayers were indeed answered. They just weren’t answered the way we all had hoped.
But, make no mistake, when this sweet child closes his eyes for the last time, while laying in the arms of his mother, he will open his eyes and look directly into the eyes of his Savior, Jesus. He will then be free from pain, free from the trauma of being poked and prodded. He will be at peace.
He will be in the arms of Jesus.
Maybe the lesson for the rest of us, is faith. Do we believe–really believe what we profess? My answer is yes. I do not understand the mind of God, but I trust Him.
Our children are never really ours. They are simply on loan to us from their Father. Knowing that, does not make it any easier to let them go. Pray without ceasing. Our heavenly Father is listening; even when we cannot hear His response.
I pray many blessings on those who read this, and if you’re in dark place, please keep turning to the Light. He hears you.
0 thoughts on “The Mercy Seat”
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Christina Putman says:
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for putting your thoughts into writing and sharing with us. You are such a blessing!
Tammy Heim says:
Very sad news, heartbreaking.
Valarie Hedge says:
Good reminder, to keep praying and know that whatever the outcome is, it is His will. Sometimes hard to understand, but Our Lord knows what is best for us!
Cindy Durrett says:
Very beautifully said. Thank you for saying all the words we want to say then bringing them back to His Mercy! Love you friend
Glenda Gibson says:
You have a gift..and are using it wisely…
Linda says:
I have been praying for certain people for years and nothing has happened..or so I thought. But you reminded me the God, in His infinite wisdom, is always working in everything. Thank you, Dallas, you said just what I needed to hear! Peace and love…
Lesli says:
Just had a chance to sit down and really write. Your writing was amazing and dead on for us sister! Love you!❤️