The Play Clock
in Giggles,Thoughtful Thursdays on August 29, 2022
My daughter bought me a t-shirt several years ago, that has become a staple in my wardrobe. Aside from it being one of the softest garments I have ever worn, it has a statement written across the front that will ring true to millions of Americans. It reads:
Well, folks. I’m AWAKE!!
The 2022 College Football Season has officially started! It is Game Week for my Texas Longhorns (Hook ‘Em!) and the Fighting Texas Aggies (I’m required to include Texas A&M because my husband and BOTH boys are ags). Needless to say, everyone in the Louis household is more excited about this upcoming Saturday, than we have been about any other Saturday this year!

For those of you who may be unfamiliar, or let’s be honest, uninterested in the collegiate football scene, stay with me. I promise this post isn’t going to be strictly about football. Please allow me a quick second to draw some unique parallels between football and…wait for it…the Church.
Yup. I said the Church.
Yesterday I was sitting in church trying to diligently listen to the pastor’s sermon, when a verse he was preaching on struck me a bit differently. The message was about “shifting into high gear,” or how to be a disciple and disciple-maker of Jesus. But, for whatever reason, my mind splintered, and I began thinking about the fourth-quarter play clock in a football game.
The verse in question is from the last chapter in the gospel of Matthew. Let’s look if y’all can see what triggered my latest journey down the rabbit hole:
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
I realize for many (probably most) people, these two verses don’t immediately scream FOOTBALL SEASON!! The part that got my attention—or rather—took away my attention, was the last part: “And surely I am with you to the very end of the age.”
A football team, like a church, has many moving parts. The biggest component of that team is the Coach. A good coach will be with his players, support his players, encourage and uplift his players through everything. He’ll walk beside them, lead them, and even clean up after them through winning seasons and re-building seasons. He’s with them for home games and away games. He’s running with them on the sidelines…right up until the play clock runs out. A good coach is with his players to the very end of the game…and beyond.
These two verses from the book of Matthew, are the final words that Jesus spoke to His disciples after His Resurrection and just before His Ascension into Heaven. Jesus had been the disciples “coach” for three years and they were His team. He taught them everyday. He walked beside them during slow times and fast times. He was beside them during times of celebrations. He was with them during dark times. And just when everyone, including His team, thought the end—the true end, was inevitable…Jesus went before them…walking all the way to the Cross.
Jesus is still the Head Coach of this team. The Church Universal is His team. We’ve undergone various recruiting years, some rebuilding, and even tried some rebranding, but the bottom line is simple: He is still our Coach, and we will always be His Team…to the very end of the age.
There is still time left on the play clock.
We don’t know exactly how much time is on it, but one thing we know for certain: Jesus is still calling the plays, and He is still running up and down the field with us.
Sometimes it can feel like we’re losing this game. I get that. This world can be a dark and frightening place. Stay the course. And trust your Coach. We’ve still got the fourth quarter left to play…and I’ve got a hunch, that like my poor Longhorns, we just might be what I like to call a FOURTH-QUARTER-TEAM…meaning, we’re about to get our second wind. So, when it seems like/feels like we’re so far behind that it appears IMPOSSIBLE to catch up, remember this: Our Coach is literally King of the Impossible.
Don’t believe me??
He was dead…as in D E A D…and BURIED.
He broke through the chains of death as though He was waking from a nap! THAT is a serious come-from-behind-WIN!!
I hope you find comfort and peace and maybe just a little joy today. You’re on the winning team. Our Coach won’t ever quit. Have a great week, and….

0 thoughts on “The Play Clock”
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Jean Smith says:
Amen! I needed to hear this today.
dladmin says:
I’m so glad!! Thank you for reading and RESPONDING!! Lol
Daniel Louis says:
Good stuff in your latest blog… thanks for sharing 🙂
Christina Putman says:
Completely understand the wandering thought that leads to football and Jesus. Coach. Player. Victor. Makes perfect sense. Loved reading it come to life.
Donna Kelley says:
Dallas, I love your stories. They are so insightful, with a mew twist!
dladmin says:
Hey Donna Kay! Thanks for reading!! Tell your friends! 😊😊