Thoughtful Thursday on a Friday…

in Thoughtful Thursdays on March 27, 2015


I want to talk to you today about pedicures.  I’ve been thinking about feet…well toes actually.  The weather is beginning to warm up down here in Houston, and it is almost time to bring out the flip-flops every day!  Our toes can finally come out of the winter hibernation!  Did you know that in my “other life”, the one before husband and kids, I was a nail tech?  Yes ma’am.  Fingers and toes…that was my job.  The only real kicker: I didn’t start doing pedicures until about six years (or so) into my career.  Why?  I don’t particularly like feet.  Feet sort of make me shiver.  I think I’ll pass on the toe jam, thank you very much.  I don’t really want to shave off any monster calluses that need an electric drill.  And don’t even get me started on toe nails that are long enough to climb trees!  So, why did I start doing pedicures?  Quite honestly, I needed the money.  But what I really discovered was more valuable than gold.  Which made me think of something else…

We are heading into Holy Week.  Next week kicks off the festivities with Maundy Thursday.   During the original Holy Week, on Maundy Thursday, Jesus and His disciples were celebrating the Passover.  As they were all reclining around the table, Jesus got up, “took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.  After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him” (John 13:4-5).

Think about this for a minute.  In Biblical times, what did most folks wear on their feet?


These people lived in the desert.  Water was a precious commodity and pedicure chairs were not readily available.  Upon entering a home or dwelling, it was customary to be provided water for your feet.  However, this custom of foot washing was reserved for slaves, not servants, but slaves.  We see here in this passage, the disciples with their Master, their Teacher, their Rabi, stooping so far beneath Himself…beneath even them, to wash their feet.  The disciples were blown away.  Jesus knew His earthly ministry was coming to end.  In fact, before the meal would end, Judas would leave their inner-most circle to go betray Jesus to the officials for crucifixion.  Jesus knew His time was short.  He was showing His disciples how to minister to all people; not just some people, not just people who have their act together.  Jesus was demonstrating that nothing and no one is out of reach.  Nothing is too menial.

So, where does that leave us?  Well, I did do pedicures.  No, I did not LOVE to do them, but the people I did them for loved them.  There is something powerful and healing in the gift of touch.  To the granny that can no longer reach her toes…  To the pregnant momma who cannot see her toes…  To the ladies who just want someone to talk to…  To everyone who sat in my chair, for that hour (or so) they were all that mattered.  Their weight was lifted, and it was my honor to be a small part of that.  Did I “get it” right away?  Girl, of course not!  But, guess what, the “duh-ciples” didn’t either.  Thankfully, Jesus is patient.  His Word is everlasting and true.  He is waiting for you, in your time, to understand your surroundings.  This week, and especially as we move into next week, I challenge you to come to the Cross.  Ask.  Seek.  Knock.  He will answer.  He will find you.  He will open the door.  Blessings my sweet sisters.

“I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Stretch out your toes…and be blessed!


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