Too Much
in Giggles on March 7, 2022

Have you ever been around someone who was simply “too much” to handle for a lengthy period of time? I have. In fact, I’m around someone like that every-single-day.
It’s me.
I’m too much…or so I’ve been told.
I want you to meet my friend, Chandler. Actually, her name isn’t really Chandler, that’s just my pet name for her. We’ve been friends for almost two decades, and to this very day, I still have no idea what her job entails…sort of like Chandler from Friends.
A few years ago, she was trying to explain ME to someone who had never met me. She was genuinely at a loss for words—I tend to have that effect on people. She finally paused, looked at me (with a wicked grin) and looked back at the person she was having the conversation with and said, “Well, with Dallas there is no in-between. You’ll either love her…or you won’t.”
To be honest, she’s totally right. And it has taken me most of my adult life to finally be comfortable in that role.
I have a BIG personality. Very big.
I’m not for everyone. I’m loud. Half of the time, I speak before I think. I’m extremely passionate about things I believe in. I rarely do anything halfway. I am flawed. I have failed in spectacular fashions. I am hot-tempered, and generally just one big hot mess.
Along with my many character flaws, I am fiercely loyal. I protect those I care about. I am focused and driven. I am a dynamic leader. And above all else: I love with my WHOLE heart.
Maybe you are reading this and thinking that you see yourself in this description. Or, perhaps you’re reading this and laughing because I have just described your best friend. Whatever your response, whichever camp you are sitting in, remember this: You were uniquely and specially made. There is no one else like you in the entire world. No one will ever be like you again.
Might I encourage you to revel in your uniqueness…embrace your quirks and all of the other qualities you possess that make you, You.
At some point in each of our lives, we will be too much for someone. That’s okay. We don’t have to be everything to everyone. To this world you are just a person…but to one person, you are the world.
And that is exactly enough.
Find your tribe, and have a great week!
0 thoughts on “Too Much”
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lesli says:
I love you just the way you are! This was so on point for you!
dladmin says:
Lol! I thought my girls might like that!! I love you, too, Les!!