Turn Out The Lights…
in Giggles on January 4, 2020
Happy New Year!!
Today is January 4. 2020. Wow. 2020. That seems really, really, weird. Well, I guess it only sounds weird if you grew up in the ‘80s. I suppose to Millennials, it’s fairly normal. But, I digress…the year, is not what’s on my mind right now.
For the past couple of days, I have been “un-decorating” my house from Christmas. This is a slow and somewhat painful process. Although, this year, I must admit, I am conflicted.

My decorations went up later than usual. My family staged a coup this season, and pitched a collective, effective, and award-winning fit big enough to prevent me from engulfing the house in its customary top to bottom seasonal beautification. In short, I caved to the overwhelming majority, and waited until AFTER Thanksgiving to decorate the house. The only real trouble with that, is Thanksgiving was super late this year…at least it seemed late.
So, we only had three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. That is not enough time to fully embrace and enjoy all the season has to offer…which leads me to today…
I turned out all the lights yesterday. The trees (yes, multiple trees, six, to be exact) are de-lighted, un-ornamented, and packed away. My Nativity scenes, or “Jesus Sets,” as my niece calls them, have been wrapped and boxed. My furniture has been put back in place. A part of me likes the house neat, orderly, and clean. Everything…almost everything, is as it should be. I am missing a box of knickknacks that I cannot find anywhere. For the life of me, I have no idea where I stashed them. My half bath, and two shelves in my kitchen are bare.
Honestly, right now, I don’t care.
I didn’t get enough time with my lights. Sure, I could’ve left them longer after the fact…but that’s not where the fun lies.
It’s the anticipation of Christmas, and all the magic, joy and hope that comes with it that makes the season special. Once New Year’s hits, I’m kinda ready to get my house back…kinda. I need more than three weeks of magic. More than three weeks of joy. More than three weeks of anticipation.
So, yes, I turned out my lights. The party is over…for now. Make no mistake though, the clock has already started ticking for NEXT season. I will NOT be cheated by another short Christmas.
November 14, 2020 Santa’s most skilled helpers will visit this house, and bring all the magic and joy they can carry. Until then, have a great year…find magic and joy sprinkled throughout your days.
T-minus 314 days until the lights come back on!!