Woman Lessons
in Giggles on January 10, 2020
If y’all follow me on any of my social media platforms, you know by the mindless posts I (in)frequently display across my pages, that I am, at best, a terrible feminist. I know…I know…in today’s day and time that is not really something that I should proudly and openly boast about and confess publicly. But since when have I ever done or said anything that was WITH public approval?
The short answer is: Never.
In my Instagram post last night, I said if Donna Reed (The Donna Reed Show, circa 1956) and June Cleaver (Leave It To Beaver, circa 1957) had a baby…I would be that kid. I am the perfect 1950’s housewife. In fact, if department stores and fashion retailers would throw a girl a bone, I would ABSOLUTELY meet my dear husband decked out in A-Line dresses, crinoline swishing, pearls around my neck, and high heels strapped around my feet every night.
Every. Single. Night.
With an Old Fashioned in my hand freshly made for him.
I’m not even kidding.
Before Jeff and I got married, I had an ideal in my mind of what married life was supposed to be. I had expectations. I had dreams. I had fantasies. I had watched my parents, my grandparents, and several sets of aunts and uncles navigate married life. I had also seen my fair share (quite possibly more than my fair share) of Rom-Coms. But, the clincher…the golden thread that wove…that stitched…that intricately and irrevocably held my entire relational belief system together was straight up Disney Magic.
Laugh if you must. Shake your head. Scoff if it makes you feel better.
I believed as a little girl that I was a Disney princess; that all little girls were Disney princesses. Perhaps my imagination was more active than most other children’s. What does all of this have to do with Woman Lessons, you may be asking?
Stay with me…I’ll make my point…eventually. I try to stay away from topics that are too charged; political, relational, religious, etc. We all have our own viewpoints, and that’s all fine and good. I want my blog to be a fun place to go for people to giggle and take a breather. So I try to stay away from topics that polarize. However, some of my female counterparts are making that really, REALLY hard to do.
My oldest son has a very steady girlfriend. She’s a total doll baby. She knew I was going to be talking about this on my post today. My son is pretty cool, too. They are both learning how to be adults. She needs to learn certain skills…skills that I happen to excel in… “Woman-ing” for lack of a better term. She hangs out at our house for her Woman Lessons.
Lessons, that in today’s day and time seem out-dated. The simple joy of learning to throw things together to make dinner. Rearranging a living room. Planning family events. Managing chaos.
I get that a lot of women today are fully engaged in the workforce outside of the home. That’s awesome. I also understand that those very same women are expected to work as though they do not have children, and parent as though they do not have an outside job.
Read that again.
Women are expected to work as though they do not have children, and parent as though they do not have an outside job.
It’s a catch-22. For those ladies without children, and who are (loudly) spouting equality and all of the uber feminist bulls— that is degrading and demeaning toward our men, please stop. Y’all are actually doing more harm than good on several social levels.
First and foremost, you’re stripping our men of their dignity, and turning them into the worst versions of themselves. By constantly projecting and parading nonsense that we don’t need men, they lose the incentive to even try.
Second, it goes against the natural order. Since I’ve already started down this path, I may as well continue…Men were created first, as protectors and defenders. Women were created as their helpmates; not as their overlords…here’s the big one…not even as their equal.
I have a point to all of this madness. Truly. To all my jumpy feminist readers out there (all both of them—if you managed to make it to the end of the post), this all started because of a meme I saw the other day…

Y’all are ALL OVER equality, until the Draft pops up. Then, it’s gonna be barefoot and pregnant, and scramblin’ to get back up in that kitchen for some good old fashioned Woman Lessons!
We all have a role to play in this game of life. How ‘bout we make it a little nicer and a little easier on the other players, especially the ones we live with, and try to get along? There is so much darkness in this world, we shouldn’t have to make up quarrels to argue over like man vs woman. That’s ridiculous.
Just be nice.