in Giggles on January 18, 2019
Photo Credit: Tanya Pabor
I know that I have some quirks…some idiosyncrasies, if you will. Yes, I have enough fans in my bedroom to rank on the Fujita Scale. Yes, I sleep with no less than twelve pillows on my bed. Yes, I have a slightly unhealthy attachment to my Fat Dog. Those are mere irritations compared to the mother of all my pet peeves….
I’m from the South…and Texas. Certain manners must be adhered to in some situations. We use “ma’am” and “sir” when answering questions. The one thing that drives me crazy more than just about anything is when some kid responds to me with a “yeah.”
It makes me cringe and my skin crawl.
Do enjoy the instrument you play in the band? Yeah.
Was traffic bad on the way over? Yeah.
Would you like for me to lock you in a closet until you learn some manners? Yea–wait, what?
Yeah…just checking to see if you were paying attention. Address me as though I rank higher on the food chain than you do. I earned every single wrinkle and age spot. Please respond to me with a yes or a no “Ma’am.”
Good grief! I still answer questions with ma’am and sir…and I’m a grown-ass woman.
You see, down here, we believe in good manners, and chivalry is expected from our boys. We hold open doors for women…or anyone who happens to be walking behind them. We hug when we arrive and leave a place…some of us even pair that hug with a kiss…on the mouth.
We are not ashamed of who we are. We embrace our rituals and use our manners, charm and good taste as a sign of intelligence.
So, for the love of Mike, please teach your children (even in this do whatever culture) to show some respect for the people that are slightly higher on the evolutionary ladder than themselves.
And when those children cross my path, who have not yet figured this out, rest assured that I will happily readjust their limited perspective.
So, YEAH, I’m Old School.
0 thoughts on “Yeah…”
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Kristina Attia says:
Jeanette Singer says:
Just a different perspective to add to your toolbox:)
I understand your frustration as I feel just as irritated when people call me ma’am. I don’t like it and many times kids do it because they have been told they have to, but they don’t mean anything by it and it is no indication of their level of respect. My kids are some of the kids you are speaking of. (Although Miss Dallas they adore you and definitely say ma’am to you as they know it is important to you ha ha). Being raised in different parts of the world, we were taught other ways to be respectful and show our manners. I would encourage you not to take offense when they don’t say ma’am it’s not always a sign of disrespect. Leave room for their own individually to come out … different cultures show respect in different ways. As much as I love Texas one thing that’s been difficult is the judging. Acceptance is key here. On the other hand, if my boys are ever disrespectful toward you or others, let this mama know. Love you.
dladmin says:
Thank you for your perspective! It’s interesting how differently things affect people!! And for the record, NONE of the kids in our circle were the inspiration for this post. We have been exceptionally blessed by our friends and their kids…I am excited to have your boys (ALL of your kids) in our lives. Many hugs!!
lesli says:
I agree with you 100%, I can NOT stand the word yeah…..
love your writing I am just a little behind because of STARS.